Zaštitna vrata za strojeve
Postignite visoku brzinu rada i kratke cikluse prilikom automatiziranog procesa, korištenjem Albany zaštitnih vrata za strojeve
Kada Vam sigurnost djelovanja, brzina i proces integracije predstavljaju izazov, pronađite rješenje ugradnjom ‘pametnih’ vrata za zaštitu strojeva, velike brzine i kratkog vremenskog ciklusa. Automatizirani proizvodni postupak i sastavljanje zahtijevaju primjenu napredne tehnologije, industrijskih procesa i opreme. ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems dostavljaju vrata visoke učinkovitosti i brzine koja su specijalno prilagođena za takve zahtjevne uvjete.
Sa ugrađenim fotoćelijama za praćenje prethodnog pokretanja kao i fotoćelija duž linije vrata, u bočne okvire su ugrađene sigurnosne sklopke. Naša vrata za zaštitu strojeva predstavljaju najbolju sigurnosnu barijeru u industrijskom sektoru. Vrata je moguće integrirati direktno u kontrolni sustav automatiziranih strojeva. Jednom kada je ova integracija završena, sveobuhvatne zaštitne karakteristike ovih vrata udovoljavaju slijedećim normama: PL d/Cat. 3, PL e/Cat. 4 (EN ISO 130849 – 1) i SIL 3 (EN 62061).
Albany RP300
Albany RP 300 vrata za zaštitu strojeva su model za zahtjevne operacije i ujedno vrata sa brzim otvaranjem, projektirana za automatizirane procese i proizvodne linije. Vrata su proizvedena sa minimalnim brojem dijelova – predstavljaju čvrsta i pouzdana vrata za zaštitu strojeva, jednostavno se ugrađuju i zahtijevaju minimalno održavanje. Albany RP 300 vrata za zaštitu strojeva nude zaštitu djelatnom osoblju koji rade blizu automatiziranog proizvodnog procesa. Sigurnosna karakteristika ovih rolo vrata omogućuju postavljanje kompaktnog proizvodnog procesa na bliskim udaljenostima od automatskih strojeva. U isto vrijeme brzo – otvarajući i zatvarajući ciklusi potiču brži tijek proizvoda i veću produktivnost procesa.
Albany RP2000
Albany RP2000 su brzo – zatvarajuća vrata za zaštitu strojeva sa čvrstom zavjesom proizvedenom od aluminijskih ploča, koje pružaju cjelovitu zaštitu automatske funkcije tako zaštićenog stroja. Ova vrata su specifično proizvedena za aplikacije robotiziranog upravljanja i laserskog varenja. Seriju Albany RP2000 karakterizira inteligentan dizajn elemenata putem kojih se potpomaže automatizacija procesa, osigurava potrebna sigurnost i pomaže udovoljiti visokim industrijskim normama. Albany RP2000 se otvara s velikom brzinom kako bi se osigurali kratki vremenski ciklusi – moguće je provesti do 5 ciklusa tijekom jedne minute. Čvrsti dizajn ovih vrata se posebno ističe u surovim industrijskim uvjetima i jamči pouzdanost procesa i nakon velikog broja ciklusa.
BIM objekti (preuzimanja za arhitekte )
Tehnički opis
Albany RP300 Machine protection door
- Door dimension max. 4000 mm x 3500 mm
- Speed open/close: up to max. 2.4/1.8 m/s depending on control systems
- Cycle number/minutes max. 5 (higher cycles on request)
- Door Curtain: Depending on application, various door curtains and colors are available, from partially transparent PVC curtains with colored reinforcement stripes to highly rigid durable material, protect against sparks. Optional anti-UV welding windows that conform to EN 1598 are also available.
- Side frames are made of two aluminium profiles, integrated safety limit switches connect the door with the machine. Window areas allow easy monitoring of integrated safety limit switches.
- Safety limit switches according to PL d/cat. 3 and PL e/cat. 4 ( EN ISO 13849-1), SIL 3 ( EN 62061)
- Doors conform to EN ISO 12100 and EN 14119 and EN 953
- Control systems: Depending on the application 2 control systems which offer a broad spectrum of speeds, power supplies and options for safety devices. Door without a control system is possible. UL-Version as option.
- Space saving extension box allows mounting of interface card or safety monitoring module for safety limit switches.
- Connection to the machine
- Motor Power 0,75 KW
- Protection IP 55
- Mains connections different from contron system, see technical data sheet
- Safety features: Electrical safety contact edge and door line photocell, pre-running photocell as option
- The door is designed according to the Workplace Directive of the UVV regulations and the harmonized CE Guidelines including the EN 13241-1 and 2006/42/EG.
For special detailed technical data see description in the special data sheet.
Albany RP2000 Machine protection door
- Door dimension max. 3500 mm x 3000 mm
- Speed open/close: up to max. 2.0 / 1.2 m/s
- Cycle number/minutes max.5 (higher cycles on request)
- Door curtain: slats are made of anodised aluminium as standard. They can be equipped with windows made of polycarbonate (250 x 40 mm) as option. Nuber of windows depends on the door width
- the self-supporting side frames are made from steel profiles
- Safety limit switches according to PL d/cat. 3 and PL e/cat. 4 (EN ISO 13849-1), SIL 3 (EN 62061)
- Doors conform to EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 14119 and EN 953
- Control system: Albany MCC frequency control
- Connection to the machine
- Motor Power 1,1 KW
- Protection IP 55
- Safety features: Pre-running safety photocell, door line photocell as option
- The door is designed according to the Workplace Directive of the UVV regulations and the harmonized CE Guidelines including the EN 13241-1
For special detailed technical data see description in the special data sheet.
Product Brochure
Albany High-Performance Doors Product Brochure
(.pdf, 1.4 MB)
Product Leaflets
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RP2000 Product Leaflet
(.pdf, 897 kB)
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RP300 Wide Product Leaflet
(.pdf, 1.4 MB)
Product Specification Texts
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RP2000 Product Specification Texts
(.doc, 921 kB)
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RP300 Product Specification Texts
(.doc, 926 kB)
Product Drawings
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RR3000 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 102 kB)
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RR3000 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 342 kB)
Albany Machine Protection Doors Albany RR3000 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 51 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 2.7 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 8.9 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 1.3 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 5.4 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 851 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 3.2 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP100 Product Drawings
(.pdf, 508 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP2000 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 107 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP2000 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 363 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP300 Product Drawings
(.pdf, 58 kB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP300 Product Drawings
(.dwg, 5.8 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP300 Product Drawings
(.dxf, 23.7 MB)
Albany Machine protection doors Albany RP300 Product Drawings
(.pdf, 452 kB)